March 25, 2025, 10:06 pm
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The Audio-Visual Classics Database [Beta]
This resource is a digitized and greatly expanded version of Dr. Siegel's Audio-Visual Materials in Classics, published biennially in Classical World's Special Survey Issue, Texts and Technology: Resources for Teachers. (click here for CW's website).
This database is a compilation of thousands of audio-visual items useful for the teaching and learning of classical (Greek and Roman) archaeology, culture, civilization, philosophy, mythology, history, art and architecture, literature, and languages available for purchase (or available freely over the internet). To Search the Database: Search for keyword of your choice: OR Use Advanced Search to limit your search in a particular way or to browse categories of information. "Browse" Function Coming Soon... Clicking on the item that appears as a response to your query will take you to a page providing full information about that product, including a list of distributors. The item number and price of the item by each distributor is also provided, as well as a link to the specific page of that distributor's on-line catalog featuring the product. Visit distributors' websites to purchase products but also to shop around before you buy. View images of slides, screenshots and demos of software, previews of videos. Hear excerpts from books on tape, selected tracks of musical cds, and original RealAudio recordings posted on websites. Contact information for each distributor is provided, as is the date each item was last checked for price and URL. Please be advised that the inclusion of a product or distributor in this database is not an endorsement of that product or distributor. Future interactive capabilities of this database are planned, including the ability of users to suggest new titles or distributors, provide corrections of existing data, post reviews of products, and launch easier, more extensive and accurate searches for resources using an advanced Web 2.0 interface.
This database is provided as a free service to the general public. |