Importants doutes archèologiques en France
Emile Mourey proposes one personal reflection on some topics of the archaeological search in France, in particular on the problems of identification of three celebrates celtici takeovers: Gergovia, Alesia and Bibracte. Comments and suggestions to address email .


Institut Vitruve
The Institut Vitruve is an association that has like scope surveying in the field of the ancient military history, with particular reference to the period of the roman conquest of the Gallia and to the problems of identification of the situated one of Alesia: for this reason the main card of the association in the understood one becomes part dedicated it to archaeology of the Gallia.
The situated complex of the Institut, of which a highly summarized description can be given here only, is in 5 wide sections:
  • The Institut Vitruve, presentation of the association and its objects to you; it contains between the other the charter of the association and the addresses to contact.
  • Les recherches de the Institut, comprises a methodological organization of the problem of the identification of Alesia, an analysis of the useful witnesses for the geographic organization of the Gaulish war (in the first place naturally the Commentarii di Cesar), a study of the area comprised in common the Syam, Crans and Chaux-DES-Crotenay, in which the members of the Institut Vitruve think can be placed the situated one of the famous battle of Alesia.
  • Wars DES Gaules, section that di newly refers to the pages dedicated to the Bellum Gallicum Cesar, but that it comprises also reassuming of the war events between the 58 and 51 a.C., a chronology of the cesariane campaigns, with particular reference to the crucial year 52 a.C. and two sections dedicated respective to the roman army and the Gaulish army.
  • The bataille of Alésia, section in which a it will be not only found illustration of the celebre battles, but above all an interesting understood it on the annosa controversy care lidentificazione of the situated one of the unravelled one of Vercingetorige, an illustration of the method that has lead André Berthier to the identification of Alesia in the zone of Chaux-DES-Crotenay (with the reconstruction of rising of identikit of situated based on the details supplied from Cesar and the comparison of this identikit with the land), finally a section of deepenings, with bibliographical suggestions, photographies, pictures and designs with interpretations of the battle of Alesia.
  • Pour en savoir plus, an other way from which it is reached the information of deepening (in the moment in which I compiled this card, in you open them of 1999, the section was still in wide measure under construction)
The sections and the single pages driven in are connected between of they and can capitare to lose the guideline: it is then useful to go to the summary, page from which the structure of the situated one turns out little più, clear.
The addresses of e-mail to which to contact the Institut Vitruve son three very: for the issues of carettere general, for the relative questions to the situated one of Alesia, for the relative information to the life of the association.


The Iron Age in Auvergne
The page shortly illustrates the searches conduct from the University of Sheffield in the region of the Alvernia, with one fast carrellata on the history and archaeology of the country of the antichi Arverni . To signal that, omplice a background whose loading strangely turned out problematic, to slide this simple page has demanded me a remarkable one dispendio of time.


R. Bergeret introduces a situated one dedicated to us to archaeology of the locality of Izernore, in the Rhône-Alpes region, department of the Ain, not far away from Bourg en Bresse.
To forehead of the wealth of the information and the numerous images conserved, Izernore introduces to my opinion some defects: in the first place the choice to render all the pages of the situated one in graphical format, also when draft, at least partially, of witnesses, joined to a sure slowness of the serveur, does not render sure the visit of Izernore pleasant . The lack is complained also of a geographic paper, that it allows to localize to blow of Izernore eye, and of an index that present the structure of the situated one and that allows to follow a various distance from the simple "linear" consultation of one page after the other.


Lezoux, lands de potiers romains
Situated edited by P. Bet, dedicated to the great center of production of ceramics of the Gallia. The pages are signaled in particular:
  • Ateliers ET productions céramiques de the Antiquité au Moyen Age en Auvergne, illustration of a plan of search coordinated from P. Bet and V. Lallemand.
  • Publications, articles in version electronic and signallings of works to press on Lezoux.
  • Forum, an open space dedicated to the ancient ceramics.
  • Lezoux, a situated introduction to the archaeological one (substantially resumes the text of the Home Page, than moreover it turns out of difficult reading rather because of the background). From this page it is also possible to approach the directory of the banns in electronic format of H. Vertet.
  • Expériences pédagogiques.
  • The galerie Photo, one promising section dedicated to the fototeca of the Center of studies on archaeology of Lezoux, in the moment in which I compiled this card (March 2001) was however substantially empty.
The address of e-mail of the curatore of the situated one is .


Lutèce, une villas rooster-romaine
A hypertext on the roman city that rose in the situated one of Paris, edited by one class of the Rebours Grammar school. The situated one is articulated in the understood one them:
  • Les dieux à Lutèce
  • Les thermes à Lutèce
  • Les arènes ET les jeux à Lutèce
  • forum ET the ways civique
  • the ways quotidienne
  • the archéologie à Paris
The short witnesses are accompany to you from a iconografico apparatus.

Joseph Reisdoerfer's article, Luxemburgum Romanum: The Roman mosaic of Vichten, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" in French and in English

Marseille: 27.000 ans de to préhistoire ET of histoire
An express route illustrated on the history of Marseilles. The antichisti will consult in particular the sections:
  • Ligures, Celtes ET Phéniciens
  • 600 av. J.C.: Massalia colonies grecque
  • Massalia - Massilia, cité gréco-romaine.
The degree of deepening of the witnesses in this situated one is not much elevating; fast introduction to the history of this is worth however the pain to consult the page for having one important city of the southern Gallia.


Mas Gallo-Romain de Tourelles
Most singular situated Internet of a wine cellar that ripropone to recreate wines of the roman Gallia, following the local tradition, than already in imperial high age saw to rise in the locality one cultivated peasant villa to vineyard.
The more interesting sections of the situated one for the antichisti, abstemious or less, are:
  • The Journal archéologique, in which short articles are various harvests on the wine and the vinificazione in the roman world.
  • Vinifications antiques, les vins romains recréés, with the sottosezioni:
    • Refaire du vin codicils les romains
    • vin dans the Rome antique
    • the cultures antique de the vines
    • processus de vinification
    • fermentation du moût en the dolium
    • Recherches ET acteurs de the expérience
  • The situated archéologique, hollow ET vignoble romain, with the sottosezioni:
    • Mas DES tourelles à travers les âges
    • situated archéologique the rooster-romain
    • production of amphores Gauloise IV
    • aventure DES reconstitutions
    • Une hollow recréée romaine antique
    • Fonctionnement du pressoir de Caton
    • bois sacré romain ET son lucus
    • vignoble romain replanté
    • a Une présentation culturelle complète
  • Vins archéologiques romains, with the sottosezioni:
    • Mulsum
    • Turriculae
    • Carenum


Une merveille du monde antique: aqueduc romain de the Gorze à Metz
Beautiful situated cured from the students of the school of Jussy, dedicated to the aqueduct that assured the water refueling of the Divodurum Roman , odierna the Metz. It comes to you illustrated the tracing, the constructive characteristics, one chronology of the vicissitudes of the aqueduct to leave from the end of the ancient world, the characteristics of other famous aqueducts of the roman world; page of Information comprises also one, with situated indications of other Internet it dedicates you to the aqueducts roman and one bibliography on the roman aqueduct of Metz and the history of the region.
The hypertext is available also in the English version.


Situated Musée ET Archéologique de the Saint-Romain-en-GAL
In this WWW page, part of the situated Internet dedicated to the museums of Lione and of its region, we find again a short situated description of the archaeological one of the Saint-Romain-en-GAL, where it has been dug an important quarter of the roman Vienna, and of the annexed museum. To notice a splendid image of particular of the so-called mosaic of Licurgo (II sec. d.C.), particular in which we can see Dioniso in the action of drink from one goblet.


Musée National du Moyen-Age Thermes de Cluny
This page introduces us an image of the terme roman who rise near this museum Parisian.


Nîmes, 2000 ans de Latin cultures
One short historical introduction and images of very conserved monuments of imperial age to Nîmes, in particular the Maison Carrée, les Arènes and the Tour Magne.


The Oppidum de Bramefan
A report of turns out you of the diggings lead from the University of situated Tübingen in this archaeological one in the territory of odierna the Puyloubier, in the Bouches department - du - Rhône. The text, available in the French version to it is sent back which here, and in German version, is accompanied from some images.


Parc archéologique de Samara
Situated Internet of informative character on the archaeological park of Samara, therefore called from the ancient name of the river Sum, in the Piccardia. Samara is proposed like useful didactic complement to the study of the region, from the Preistoria to the roman conquest of the Gallia, but for the truth the pages web me seem to cover a sure interest for those who only mean to organize a visit of the archaeological park.


Period and Style for Designers: Rome
Period and Style for Designers, Rome conserve some monument images roman of the Gallia:


The Picardie concerns historique: Gaulois ET Gallo-romains
This simple text of Patrick Lesage draft of the region of the green Piccardia, center of the celtica tribe of the Bellovaci , in the antiquity, with particular attention to the Gaulish sanctuary of Saint Maur and to the roman villa of Songeons.


Provence - Alpes - Côte d' Azur. Sites archéologiques en région
Informative pages, equipped from some image, on 10 archaeological situated important of the Southeastern region of France:
  • The Oppidum d' Entremont, Aix-en-Provence
  • the Pont Flavien, Saint-Chamas
  • Saint-Pierre de Carluc, Céreste
  • the Fort de Buoux, Buoux
  • quartier de the Ile, Martiques
  • Jardin DES Vestiges, Marseille
  • Glanum, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence
  • Les Mines du Fournel, the Argentière-la-Bessée
  • Stèles néolithiques de Provence, Avignon
  • the Meunerie de Barbegal, Fontvieille


Réseau en Languedoc-Roussillon pour the Information Scientifique - Centre de documentation archéologique régional
The Home Page, in which it detaches a beautiful situated aerial view of the archaeological one of Lattara , supplies information on objects to you, the structures and the staff that it works near the documentation center. It is moreover possible to consult the archives of the monographys and the present reviews in the library C. Dugas, the library of the documentation center and near the Direction Régionale DES Affaires Culturelles; a comfortable module concurs the search for words key (total Recherche), or for author or tito it, with the possibility to use operating booleani. It does not come given the just evidence to the Lattara page , which it is reached from the anonymous person link Fouilles in the Home Page: we can find a short description to you of these archaeological and six images situated, that they unfortunately demand the longest one attended before it are loaded. Little visibility has also the page dedicated to the coming from objects from Lattara exposed in the museum Henry Prades (you reaches from the Home Page heading the mouse at the link grâce au Musée Henry Pradesalso in this case we must also find that the images seem a po' too much "heavy", being connected from an European serveur.


Serveur Savoie: Archéologie
The serveur of the Savoia (legacy to the autonomist Mouvement Région Savoie) introduces various materials of sure interest for the antichisti, which it can be approached from the page over marked. Sending back to the understood one dedicated it to the concerning Museums of France for the electronic pages the archaeological collections accommodated here, marks it in particular the page dedicated to the Thovey, une mansio rooster-romaine , with information and images on the point of pause of Causuaria .
The Home Page of archaeology in Serveur Savoie supplies also the access to some concerning materials conserved the ancient history of the region in other serveur.


Sites of Roman Interest in the South of France
St. Blaise near Fos is a site that contains Roman and Greek ruins.
Pont du Gard is the most well preserved aqueduct in France
This is the Pont Flavien Bridge located between Aix and Salon
Ruins of a Aqueduct off of Highway D82 between Arles and les Baux
Ruins of the Roman Mill at Barbegal
The town of Arles.
The town of Nimes.


Survol historique du "pays Commingeois"...
The section on the history of the region of St. Betrand de Comminges is stopped obviously also on the vicissitudes of the Lugdunum Roman , one of the many cities of the Gallia that carried this name, otherwise famous like civitas Convenarum .
Of insufficient importance the short only testuali sections:
  • Épisode romain
  • début du christianisme
  • paix romaine ET the end de Rome
  • Les invasions
  • chute de the Lugdunum
Of greater interest, if not other for the images conserved, the page Situated Antique , than strangely does not seem to me to be marked in the Home Page.