Math 121 - Midterm 3 Suggested Study Problems

Here are problems that are similar to the ones you might see on the exam. Be sure to also review old homework and workshop questions too. The exam will have both multiple choice and short answer questions.

Confidence Intervals

Hypothesis Testing

Concepts to review: (i) The definition of a p-value (memorize this): A p-value is the probability of getting a result at least as extreme as ours, if the null hypothesisis true. (ii) Make sure you understand when to reject a null hypothesis and what statistically signficant means.

Differences in Two Proportions

Concepts to review: (i) Meaning of two-sample confidence intervals. (ii) Pooled pro-portions.

Inference About Means

Concepts to review: (i) Degrees of freedom and how to use the t-distribution table.