Here is a link to the web materials for out textbook, Essential Genetics:


Here are some interesting videos:

..\..\quicktime cell movies\

..\..\quicktime cell movies\

..\..\quicktime cell movies\

..\..\quicktime cell movies\








Just who is this little dude on the left anyway? This site has some useful information about Biology 201, genetics. You can use the links above to access some of the materials I have posted for the course.

Genetics (Biology 201) is one of the three "core" courses along with Ecology and Organismal Biology that are required for all biology majors. Completion of Genetics is a prerequisite for the following biology courses:


   Biology 301, Cell Biology

   Biology 301, Histology

   Biology 311, Biochemistry

   Biology 312, Molecular Biology

   Biology 321, Microbiology

   Biology 360, Evolutionary Theory

   Biology 401, Immunology

   Biology 402, Developmental Biology