Robb T. Koether
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hampden-Sydney College
At H-SC since 1981. He and his wife Cindy have three children: Amy,
Sharon, and Jeremy.
Teaching Interests
Abstract algebra, computer science, geometry, and number theory.
Service to the College
- Member of the Academic Affairs Committee (2001-2004)
- Member of the Budget Planning Committee (1997-2001)
- Member of the Faculty Affairs Committee (1994-1995)
- Member of the Assessment Committee (1991-1994)
- Chair of the Mathematics Department (1989-92)
- Member of the Committee on Professional Development (1986-1988)
- Member of the Athletic Committee (1982-85)
Professional Development
- Treasurer of the Maryland-D.C.-Virginia Section of the Mathematical
Association of America (2002-2005)
- Secretary of the Maryland-D.C.-Virginia Section of the Mathematical
Association of America (1988-1991)
- Post-doctoral study in number theory, quadratic forms, p-adic numbers,
and class field theory, Ohio State University (1988-1989)
- Graduate study in Computer Science at the University of Virginia (1995)
Talks Presented at Colleges
- From Here to Infinity, Sweet Briar College (fall, 1990)
- How to Factor a Prime, Longwood College (fall 1989)
- Attitude Control and Stability, H-SC (1988)
- Chaos out of Order to high school teachers at the high school
computing contest sponsored by Longwood College (spring 1987)
- Error-correcting Codes, Sweet Briar College (fall 1986)
Papers Presented at Professional Meetings
- Solving the n x n x n Rubik's Cube (fall 1983)
- Writing a Simple Computer Algebra System (spring 1991)
Professional Memberships
Current Interests
Currently engaged in developing the mathematics curriculum to incorporate
the use of the computer as a tool to aid in problem solving.
Other Interests
Enjoys hiking, backpacking, camping, and canoeing, as well as orienteering
and astronomy. Recently built a log cabin in the mountains in
Nelson County.
He enjoys learning German.
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