Computer Science 161.01

Professor Valente


October 8th 2018


A VSC-32 Looping Example!


Here’s a program that reads in a series of integers (as many as the user wishes!) and sums them all. 

The program terminates as soon as the user enters 0.


Assembly Language à  Machine Language          The program in hex!

      top: read x                         01101010                    6A2AE7AB4B29E08B00000000

      load x                                00101010

      jump ahead                       11100111

      add sum                             10101011

      store sum                           01001011

      load zero                           00101001

      jump top                            11100000

      ahead: write sum               10001011

      stop                                   00000000

      zero: data 0                       00000000

      x: data 0                            00000000

      sum: data 0                        00000000



The new instruction here is jump.  It jumps to the instruction with the specified label only if the accumulator has 0 in it. 

If the accumulator has a value other than 0 in it, the jump is not done, and the program proceeds with the next instruction.


For example, the following program will read x, load x into the accumulator. 


If that value is 0, the jump ahead instruction will cause a jump to the instruction labeled ahead,

in other words the instruction write sum. 


If that value was not 0, no jump is performed, and the next instruction add sum is done,

since it is just below jump ahead.


If you understood the above paragraph, you should then look carefully at the other jump instruction in the program,

which is preceded by load zero.

Why is load zero just prior to this jump instruction?

What will this jump instruction  always do, therefore?


You might try entering the hex (quickest way) into the appropriate VSC-32 site to see how the program works. 

Remember, as you run to program, to keep entering integers, and then enter 0!

Another looping example