Computer Science 261 Labs

Fall 2016

Professor Valente


There are 13 lab sessions in total, each held on Tuesday afternoon. Each lab session will have you observe, experiment, and interact with C++ programs in order to learn the topics for that week. Each lab, at the end, will also have an application”, which is a programming exercise designed to see whether you have mastered the week’s concepts.


On some Tuesdays, it is possible to complete the application program during the lab session itself, but often you will have to do it afterwards as homework. In any case, any lab application assigned on Tuesday is due the following Monday night at midnight.


Labs are NOT pledged, so you may receive any sort of help (short of copying) from your instructor, a tutor, or a classmate. In fact, interaction and collaboration is encouraged during the Tuesday lab sessions, making for a lively and active learning environment.

However, let’s make one thing clear: since we do one lab each week, I must enforce the following rule with no exception:



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