Computer Science 261.02

Fall 2014


Programming Projects


There will be six programming projects with the following tentative due dates:

    September 24th,  October 1st,  October 29th,  November 12th,  November 19th, and December 9th.


The projects together will comprise 30% of your final course grade.


Please note that programming projects are pledged.


What this means if you wish help in terms of developing your program as a solution to the problem, you must see me.  On the other hand, if you are working in the lab some evening, and you can’t figure out why you have an error, you may ask a tutor to help you locate and correct the error.  Under no circumstance will the tutor write code for you, and you certainly may not receive code from a classmate. 


You will usually have one week to complete a programming project.  Because the projects are challenging, you must make it a point to start early and ask me questions early.


Each program will be tested by me using various data and graded on the basis of 50 points. To receive full credit, the program must work correctly in all cases, be adequately documented and clearly written, and it must be turned in on time.


A programming project may be handed in late, but with the following penalties applied:


            Up to 24 hours late:    Lose 5 points out of 50.

            24 – 48 hours late:       Lose 10 points out of 50.

            2 – 5 days late:            Lose 15 points out of 50.

            6 days late                   Lose 20 points out of 50.

            7 days late                   Lose 25 points out of 50.

            > 7 days late:               No points awarded.


A programming project will not be accepted after it is 7 days late.



(The above lateness policy applies only to the first five programming projects.  The sixth project is due at the end of the last day of classes and therefore cannot be submitted late).




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