Discrete Mathematics
MATH 262.01
MWF 1:30-2:20 Bagby 106, R 12:30-1:20 Bagby 020
Spring 2015



Professor Tom Valente
Office: Bagby 123, ext 6210
Email: tvalente

Office hours:
MTuW 2:30PM - 4PM,   R 10AM – 12noon



Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 4th Ed , by Susanna S. Epp


Course Description


"Discrete" Mathematics, unlike Calculus, concerns itself with the study of discrete objects and functions whose domains consist of discrete objects (for example, the integers). By "discrete" we mean objects that can be thought of as disconnected or separated from one another, and therefore do not form a continuum. Thus we will not study intervals of real numbers per se as we would in Calculus. Not surprisingly, a vast variety of topics may be studied in a discrete mathematics course. At the forefront is logic, for it is important to reason clearly about mathematical arguments in discrete mathematics. In truth table logic, for instance, the functions that are studied have domain consisting of two objects, namely "true" and "false". Since this logic forms the basis of computer circuits, we see already one specific reason why discrete mathematics is almost universally required for computer science majors. Other discrete math topics important in computer science include discrete probability, number theory, mathematical induction, mathematical sequences and series, correctness of algorithms, analysis of algorithms,  graph theory (in particular, binary trees), finite automata, and formal language theory.  Naturally, we can’t do justice to every one of these topics this semester.  Our goal instead will be to focus on topics in first eight chapters of our textbook.   Finally, since the class meets 4 times per week, I'd like to suggest that the Thursday meetings be different than others – during which you and I (mostly you) will present and work problems.




Your grade will be computed as follows:

·         In-class tests (Feb 5th, Mar 5th, Apr 16th ) together will count 40% (15-15-10).  


You should make every conceivable effort to be present and prepared for an hour test. The only valid excuses for missing a test are serious illnesses and unavoidable emergencies which can be verified. If you foresee that you must miss a test, then you should make arrangements, before the absence, to take the test. If you miss a test for a reason that is less than compelling, you will not be allowed to take the test later.


·         Homework will count 30%. Many problems will be suggested and a smaller number of them submitted for a grade. Solutions must be neatly written and at an appropriate level of rigor for a course like this.  (The textbook and my handouts will have many examples of solved problems).   Typically, you should expect to submit homework problems twice in a week.

·         Classwork will count 5%. You must attend every class and present problems when asked to.

·         The final exam (Saturday, May 2nd at 2PM) will count 25% and will be comprehensive.


The grades are then assigned according to the following scale, with plus and minus assigned appropriately: 90%-100%: A; 80%-90% B; 70%-80% C; 60%-70% D; 0-60% F.




Each of you is a large percentage of the class so it is imperative that you attend each class.