Cornelius Creek runs alongside the trail for about halfway up the mountain. Then the trail makes an abrupt turn away from the creek and ascends to the crest of a small ridge. |
Although many trees are still green, there is an abundance of yellows and reds. The mockernut hickories are the most brilliant yellow. |
| The black gums provide most of the red that we see along the trail. |
Crimson black gum leaves against a deep-blue sky, with a few green oak leaves mixed in. |
| Although spring is the season of flowers, there are many species that bloom in the autumn. This is one of many clusters of large-leafed asters that line the trail. |
We pass a beautiful closed gentian, unusual because the petals remain closed when the flower is in full bloom. |
Forward to Apple Orchard Mountain
This page was last modified on Oct. 20, 1999