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Final Exam Review

prepare for text by reviewing chapter explanations and by practicing skills by doing the exercises in the back of the book.

format of test:

I: true/false questions about grammar (20 responses, 2 points each)
II: Fill in the Blank (25 responses, 2 points each)
III. What kind of ablative?
Choices include: manner, means, personal agent, ablative absolute, comparison, accompaniment, place where, time when (3 points each X 5)

IV. Identify the tense of the underlined participles (3 points each X 5)
V. Identify the tense of the underlined subjunctive verbs (3 points each X 5)

VI. Identify the subjunctive construction in the following sentences.
Choices are indirect question, purpose, result, hortatory/jussive, deliberative, cum clause (3 points each X 10)
VII. synopses (1 points X 92) LATIN ONLY
VIII. DEGREES OF ADJECTIVES in nominative singular neuter (1 point each X 15)

IX. Translate the following sentences and answer the questions about the underlined words: (5 points X 10 sentence translations each, and 2 points X 20 questions)
X.Choose five sentences to translate into Latin
(5 X 5 points each)

You should be able to translate these sentences and identify the construction underlined. Choices for “construction” include:

relative clause
ablative absolute
cum clause
indirect statement
indirect question
result clause
purpose clause
passive periphrastic
hortatory/jussive subjunctive
deliberative subjunctive

If I have underlined a prepositional phrase, be prepared to explain exactly what kind…if it is an ablative, you must identify the specific ablative use (means, manner, agent, accompaniment, time when, place where, etc.), or dative of possession or agent, for example, or whatever. These choices you must know on your own.

Indirect statement example: Quidam enim credunt animum humanum immortalem esse.

Passive periphrastic example: Manus adulescentum quam fidelissimorum senatui quaerenda est.

multiple construction example: His signis magnis visis, putabant tyrannum istum semper pecuniam cupientem expellendum esse.

His signis magnis visis is ablative absolute

cupientem – participle modifying the object tyrannum and introducing its own phrase (pecuniam cupientem)

expellendum esse: future passive infinitive in indirect statement

 indirect question example: Illi stulti semper rogant quid sit melius quam imperium aut pecunia. (can you explain why imperium and pecunia are in the nominative case?)

 relative clause example: Legit libros quos miseras.

 concessive cum clause example: Cum libertatem legesque conservare vere vellent, tamen scelera tyranni diutissime ferenda erant.

 reflexive pronoun example:Romani cives copias quibuscum se iunxerant iuvabant.

 ablative example: Who says that by fire and sword we shall conquer all states?

 result clause example: Libertatem sic amaverunt ut numquam ab hostibus vincerentur.

 comparative/superlative adjective question:

Illa vitia turpiora vitabimus, quod vitas quam felicissimas petimus.


Translating into Latin (these are the kinds of sentences I will ask you to translate):

Cicero ought to snatch our republic from danger. (use the passive periphrastic)

We often used these boats in order to flee from our enemies.

copyright 2001 Janice Siegel, All Rights Reserved
send comments to: Janice Siegel (jfsiege@ilstu.edu)

date this page was edited last: 06/29/2005
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