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Chapter 5

chapter 5 images

The Twelve Olympians (+ Hades & Dionysus = fourteen)

The Twelve Olympians in Art:
East Pediment of the Parthenon
Parthenon Frieze
Rafael's fresco in the Villa Farnesina

HESTIA (Vesta) - is the goddess of the hearth (what her names means). Fire is sacred and essential, and she is very important to honor...eventually she is replaced by Dionysus in the Greek Pantheon (and the Furies become the goddesses of the hearth later after they are transformed into the Eumenidies, "the Kindly Ones")

ZEUS (Jupiter) rules the sky (and in reality, most of the earth)
attributes: thunderbolt, aegis (shield), eagle, oak tree
epithets: "cloud-gatherer"
sacred precincts: Dodona (Bronze statuette found there and Gold stater with Dodonian Zeus)

Olympia (on the Alpheus river): Temple of Zeus at Olympia, Sacred Altis at Olympia, Statue of Zeus in his Temple at Olympia: one of the seven wonders of the ancient world (another reconstruction of the statue) (and another). Compare to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. and to the seated statue of Lincoln). Also compare to this seated statue of Washington.

HERA (Juno) is sister/wife to Zeus (another hieros gamos), goddess of marriage and childbirth
attributes: peacock
"ox-eyed" and "white-armed"(which are intended to be compliments)
sacred precincts:
Argos, temple at Olympia, archaic Heraion at Delos, Hera's Sanctuary at Perachora, Hera's Temple at Paestum: image 1, image 2, image 3

Hera (portrait)
East pedimental design (Parthenon)
Juno Receiving the Head of Argos,
AMIGONI, Jacopo, 1730-32

see Hera power point for more images

HEPHAESTUS (Vulcan) is the god of the forge: lame, ugly, teacher of arts, married to Aphrodite - NB - as in the story of Demeter and Persphone, it is Helios, the sun god who reveals a hidden truth   - this time about Aphrodite's affair with his own brother Ares - "truth will be seen in the light of day")

ARES (Mars) is the god of war. With Aphrodite, said to have fathered Eros
     attributes: boar
     sacred precincts: Thrace in general (war-like)

Other Olympians to be reviewed in later chapters:

POSEIDON (Neptune) rules the sea
HADES (Pluto) rules the Underworld
APOLLO (Apollo) is the god of light, music, prophecy
HERMES (Mercury) is the messenger of the gods
DIONYSUS (Bacchus) is the god of wine, fertility, and theater
ARTEMIS (Diana) is the goddess of the hunt, moon, virginity
APHRODITE (Venus) is the goddess of erotic love
ATHENA (Minerva) is the goddess of wisdom, weaving, and war